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BAMS Ayurvedic Colleges in Rajasthan
When we think of summer, we often picture the elements associated with pitta: hot sun and water in the form of beaches and pools, spontaneous wildfires, sharp lightning bolts, sour lemonade, savoury seafood dishes, and more. This is why it’s essential to avoid getting out of balance during this time of year. In addition to...
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The global pandemic COVID-19 has taken over our lives and completely changed how people live. With the increasing number of COVID in the country, many individuals find it challenging to cope with their daily activities and are experiencing a dip in their energy levels.  However, if you feel tired regularly, it could indicate you are...
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The pandemic has changed the way people used to live. Now, everyoneis more concerned about their health, and most people have started following Ayurvedic practices to maintain a healthy lifestyle.It’s mainly because Ayurveda practices had helped people boost immunity when COVID-19 cases were at their peak. Do you wish to know more about how the...
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Ayurveda is one of the most essential and ancient medical systems in the world. It is a powerful and alternative medical system that gives you the best result in no time. Ayurveda is also one of the best alternative medicine. It presents healthcare services such as diagnosis, treatment and prevention. There’s no side effects on...
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Ayurveda is a traditional Indian science that lasts for thousands of years. Practitioners use Ayurveda to promote health and balance in the body, mind and spirit. This ancient system is gaining popularity in the Western world. More people have become more interested in holistic medicine and natural treatments. It’s no surprise then that Ayurveda acts...
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