Firstly, it is important to understand the Indian or Hindu mind and, secondly, how modern history has affected that nation’s culture and thinking.
There is no difference between religion and spirituality in the Hindu / Buddhist mind. They are the same but various levels of understanding, growth and evolution are understood. Today SKS Ayurvedic College & Hospital one of the Best BAMS College in Delhi NCR will tell you about the difference between traditional and modern Ayurveda.
Hinduism provides for worship from the lowest to the highest. Ayurveda is traditionally nothing but reflections of different concepts from the Hindu / Buddhist religion. As we have seen Modern Ayurveda is secular and they see Ayurveda as a medicine system. Though dedicated and codified in India, Ayurveda has spread its roots around the globe. Greek merchants took the concept to Greece, and created Unani, an Ayurvedic-based medicine system. Buddhist monks introduced Tibet and South East Asia and China to Ayurveda and the martial arts.

The Thai version of’ Ayurved’ or Thai Traditional Herbal Medicine and Thai Traditional Massage evolved from here, and in China Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and widely known arts such as Kung-Fu developed. Also known as’ suchi veda,’ acupuncture was a part of traditional Ayurveda, the science of piercing or spearing, but is no longer practiced in Ayurveda.
AYurveda in India lost the patronage she enjoyed under Hindu / Buddhist rule over a period of nearly 1000 years due to the occupation of Muslims and British. Under the new rulers some parts of the tradition were no longer accepted, so that the system continuity was virtually destroyed and forced underground.
When India regained its independence the Indian government made every effort to reintroduce all ‘ Indian ‘ things and one of them was Ayurveda. Hence we at SKS Ayurvedic one of the top choice for students looking for BAMS Ayurvedic Colleges in UP ensure them to educate the part of Ayurveda from the very beginning it started.
Yoga is the Whole, in which all is One and all is One. It is never separate from the Ocean (Truth or Yoga) to consider the Wave (the body and the mind). That is Traditional Ayurveda’s aim and intention as with all Yogic systems or directions.